“THEI2.0 From Assessment to Action: Process and Tools to Help Higher Education Institutions Become More Entrepreneurial” workshop held in Amsterdam

On the 15 of June 2022, the THEI2.0 “From Assessment to Action: Process and Tools to Help Higher Education Institutions Become More Entrepreneurial” workshop was held in Amsterdam in the UIIN conference. The workshop was led by Ester Bernadó from TecnoCampus and facilitated by Bárbara Gabriel from UA, Julia Dorsch from the SCE, Katja Lahikainen from LUT and Marta Carceller from TecnoCampus.

With a diverse and engaged audience, participants had the opportunity to experience the eHEI journey in an intensive format. During one hour and a half, they were grouped in different teams, from different HEIs, positions and backgrounds.

The audience was invited to analyse the assigned eHEI profile, the recommended cards and, after setting the goal, by using the different tools of THEI2.0, as eHEI Canvas and strategic plan, to pitch their idea according to their goals.

From feedback obtained through an anonymous questionnaire, participants were very satisfied with the eHEI profiles, eHEI card set, Canvas, as well the workshop dynamic.

Tecnocampus, one of the partners of the THEI2.0 consortium, piloted the printed version of the eHEI card set

On June 9th Tecnocampus piloted a short version of the THEI2.0 workshop by using the printed eHEI cards. The workshop was run internally, with four representatives of TecnoCampus: two academic staff (among them the facilitator) together with two non-academic staff. The participants followed the recommendations of the cards set in several dimensions of the entrepreneurial university. The cards stimulated great discussions on potential actions that could be implemented to further improve Tecnocampus’ entrepreneurial ecosystem. Beyond an inspirational discussion, the internal workshop provided a greater meaning to the current entrepreneurial agenda and a renewed willingness among the participants to work towards its further development.

First in-person THEI2.0 workshop held in Brussels

On the 31 of May 2022, it was held in Brussels the first in-person THEI2.0 workshop in which attendants had the opportunity to participate in a fully Hands-On immersive experience with the eHEI toolkit, set of cards, eHEI Canvas, eHEI strategic plan.

It was an excellent occasion for disseminating the project and to debate the potential of the tools developed in THEI2.0.

THEI2.0 in EURASHE conference in Brussels

On the 24th of May, Bárbara Gabriel had the opportunity to present THEI2.0 in the Breakout session “HEInnovate inspired self-assessment” on a panel of representatives of the Forward-Looking Cooperation Projects with colleagues of the RE-ACT and UASiMAP projects.

The THEI2.0 main results and the entrepreneurial Higher Education Institutions journey were presented.

THEI2.0 Final Workshop – Brussels, 31 of May 2022

This workshop offers an opportunity for participants to engage directly with the THEI2.0 Project Team and learn how to apply our unique THEI2.0 Methodology, designed to help HEIs become more entrepreneurial.

Workshop participants will learn how to move beyond the HEInnovate assessment stage toward a creative process of decision making, action planning and implementation.

Confirm your attendance! Places are limited!

THEI2.0 presented in BeyondScale Final Conference in Vienna

On the 5th of April, Barbara Gabriel presented the key results of the THEI2.0 project during session “Current needs and challenges to become innovative, more entrepreneurial from HEIs view and ministry perspective/national perspective, which dimensions matter?” moderated by Ruaidhri Neavyn and with the participation of Forward-Looking Cooperation Projects, Alessio Cavicchi of RE-ACT and John Edwards from UASiMAP. Key-results, lessons learned, needs and the potential of the projects were debated and shared with the audience.

Sharing the THEI2.0 Journey from assessment to action with a strategy oriented HEI

Partner in THEI2.0 Project, Ester Bernadó from TecnoCampus was leader of an early January pilot workshop, where representatives of a Portuguese Higher Education Institution, after completing HEInnovate self-assessment, reflected their current stage of entrepreneurial development and selected next steps through targeted recommendations.

Reflection, assessment, and considering different perspectives, were supported by the logic of the THEI2.0 Model. Thus, the key actions to improve in the future, those primarily responsible for the action as well as time frame for achieving the goal were easily chosen.  Comment of a HEI participant: “This process has helped discussion and focus on issues that are important”.

Can we offer your HEI a chance to take a step on a journey from assessment to action?