The Bronze Badge is designed to encourage participants to become familiar with HEInnovate. You are free to try and consult HEInnovate webpage, and then use the directions below to start your journey!
In the meanwhile, this video will help you understand what you need to do to get a Bronze Badge.
Using this template you can provide a Letter of Support from your University/HEI, signed and stamped by the President, Line manager, or a member of your Senior Management Team.
Visit the HEInnovate website and complete the self-assessment HEInnovate questionnaire. Also you can try the following:
- Visit the HEInnovate website and select one Case Study to read. Click here
- Within THEI2.0 website, select one User Case Study to read. Click here
- Also within THEI2.0 website, download the eHEI Profiles Document and, using your completed HEInnovate survey results, identify and determine which profile best fits your University/HEI. Click here
- Finally, complete the Bronze Self Reflection Survey and upload your signed ‘Letter of Support.’
Please click here to go to the Bronze Self-Reflection Survey